Springfield Rotary gathered at the Flourtown Country Club to hold a membership night, past Rotarian and potential new ones were invited to participate in a special Rotary Meeting. The highlights of meeting outside the cocktail hour included Rotarians giving brief summaries of all Rotary has to offer, locally, regionally, and internationally. The Water Tower project in Tanzania and the hospital build in Belize were featured as international projects along with Rotary’s Polio Plus campaign to eradicate the disease throughout the world. The township banners, gazebo and park beautification and war memorial projects were cited as local projects benefitting the Springfield Township community. Hunger, housing and other projects were also discussed for the regional level. Past, present and hopefully future Rotarians all left this special evening arranged through the hard work of Rotarian Mandy Helwig (who arranged for the space, developed the speakers, and accompanying slide presentation, and invited everyone) feeling good about all the good Rotary does throughout the world.
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